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11 Plus Past Papers Class

11 Plus Past Papers Class

Particularly aimed at Year 5 students, we design this programme to increase child’s confidence in answering questions. Students go through a series of past papers in an environment similar to in an examination condition. All questions and answers then will be discussed in the class. The programme covers English and Creative Writing, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning.

A Typical lesson will be teaching the children on;

  • Discussing examination techniques
  • Managing time efficiently in an examination
  • Understanding the complex questions
  • Providing feedback to parents to enable them to further help the child

Class Structure

Every 11+ group class session is two hours where your child will spend an hour with an English teacher and another hour with a maths teacher. English session will cover the English Language topics, Verbal Reasoning topics and Creative Writing activities. Creative writing activities are focused on improving children’s creative writing skills, language and writing performances. Maths session will cover Mathematical topics and Non-Verbal reasoning topics.

Each week will have a set topic and average teaching time will be two hours which includes a mini test/recap on the topics covered previously.

Home work

All students are required to complete given homework for each week. Teachers will usually mark homework. Additional homework can even be marked by parents by login to our online learning system ( where you can find answer sheets for the given homework.


Feedback will be given at the end of every session, every week by teaching staff. Parents will have an opportunity to meet the teachers at the send of the sessions for feedback and to discuss any concerns related to the learning process.

Class materials

All the class materials, progress tests, mock exam papers, assessments, parental guidance sessions are included within the course fees. Once registered with us, additional books and online resource can be purchased at discounted rates.

If you have any questions call us on 0800 772 3464 or Text us on 0777 121 2929